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Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK)
The HSK test was launched by Hanban in an effort to better serve Chinese language learners. The test is the result of coordinated efforts by experts from different disciplines including Chinese language teaching, linguistics, psychology and educational measurement. The new exam combines the advantages of the original HSK while taking into consideration recent trends in Chinese language training by conducting surveys and making use of the latest findings in international language testing.
The new HSK retains the former HSK’s orientation as a general (or universal) Chinese language abilities test for adult learners. The results of the test can serve several purposes:
1. A reference for an educational institution’s decision-making concerning recruiting students, assigning students to different classes, allowing students to skip certain courses and giving students academic credits.
2. A reference for employers’ decision-making concerning the recruitment, training and promotion of test takers.
3. A method for Chinese language learners to assess and improve their proficiency in Chinese.
4. A method for Chinese language training institutions to evaluate training results.
友情链接: 盼达汉语学校 国际中文教师证书考培中心